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New Stuff In The Works

I'd like to tell you about all the groovy things we have planned for the future. One of them, I'm keeping zipped tight for now. We would like for it to be a bit of a surprise, so I can't say anything at this moment. I've said enough. Hopefully in a month or two you will find out!

We have been working on the writing of album #5 for awhile now. We had plans to enter the recording studio this past April, but we agreed with the studio that now is not the right time. There were also several tracks recorded in Seattle at Easy Lake Studios back in November. Those tracks may see the light of day as well. There are a lot of songs to record. Some of those songs date as far back as 2001 and 2002, as well as 2008, 2010, 2011 and pretty much every year up until now. We are even considering releasing the demos as part of cassette or a special item which may co-inside with some funding.

And we are considering turning this batch into album #6 or even #7.... but I don't want to get ahead.

We are eager to get out and play more shows. Since all of the strangeness has come into place, we have had to cancel a tour of the south in April and then our plans for a July tour of the west coast fell through. We would love to get back out on the road and promote our album Night Bloom very much. If you have not checked it out, now is a good time. You can listen to it on here or over at or on those streaming services. We would be totally excited if you purchased it from that site or from our record label

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